Sunday, September 21, 2008


Wright Family Update!

Hey, I am posting again! I gave up on my blog because you all have such cute blogs and I am clueless on how to do it! But I have decided to give it another shot, because I have a lot of people telling me I have to!

So.....Brandon just got a new job at Stevens-henagar college and is going to start on his masters degree as well. He has wanted to work in college administration for awhile now, so we are way excited about it! His ultimate goal is to get a job at Snow college in Ephraim, because we miss it Sooooo much there, so this is definately a step in the right direction! We will be back someday! :)

I am now doing a preschool out of my house and I love it! I only do one class two days a week, so it is not too overwhelming...Its fun! Other than that I am just super busy being a mom!

Jaxon just started Kindergarten a couple of weeks ago and he loves it! My little baby is growing up! I have tried desperately to get Jax to let me drive him to and from school and he wont let me! He insists on riding the bus with some of the other neighborhood kids! I think he is too little but he strongly disagrees! I followed the bus to and from school for the first couple days to make sure he did ok, and he did fine, so now he does it on his own, and I am a nervous reck until he comes home!! I know I am parinoid but he is my first, so i think I am allowed to be...Right?

Kallee is our little princess! Such high maintanence! We love her to death though, she is so fun! She absolutly loves to shop and she is actually pretty good at it :) She will walk through the store and pick out whole outfits and fingernail polish and purses that match! She is so funny...totally girl!

Macen is growing so fast he is a year old in october! He is such a good baby, so happy and full of smiles!

Well that is the scoop for now I promise I will post on a regular basis from now on! Seriously if you have tips on how to make my blog "SWEETER" let me know!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Wright Way

This is my first time posting so we will see how it goes...These are our 3 kids! We are now a family of 5! Our newest addition is named Macen, he is such a good baby and so much fun. Brandon is graduating with his bachelors degree in May and then plans to start on his masters degree. I (Lindsee) am a stay at home mom and I love every second of it! Jaxon just turned 5 and will be starting kindergarten next year, he loves to hunt and fish and pretty much everything else that his daddy does. Kallee who is 2 years old now is our little princess, she is so sassy and thinks everything has to be done her way! She loves to play with her dolls and she always has to wear pink, yet she to likes to hunt and fish too... Go figure?